176: Jeri Taylor Lovefest

Working in the Writer's Room.

From the very beginning Voyager was loaded with potential, which was sadly not used to the fullest extent onscreen. On the bright side, it left fans like Char and Tristan a plethora of untapped possibilities to explore. In fact, episode rewrites and original stories that resolve loose threads have become To the Journey staples! In this episode, Char and Tristan transport themselves to the writer's room at Paramount Studios in 1996, when Jeri Taylor was in charge of Voyager. As wunderkinds who managed to finagle their way into the writer's room, Char and Tristan have some influence in guiding the direction of the show during the third season. What sort of things do they pitch to the staff, who is likeliest to shoot them down, and just how much do they suck up to Jeri Taylor? Tune in and find out.

Tristan Riddell and Charlynn Schmiedt

Tristan Riddell

Charlynn Schmiedt

Executive Producers
Charlynn Schmiedt, Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, and C. Bryan Jones

Associate Producers
Kenneth Trip, Jamie Duce, Bruce Lish, Dante Hopkins, Brian Beliso, and Kay Janeway

Production Manager
Richard Marquez

Content Manager
Will Nguyen

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Direct download: ttj-176.mp3
Category:General Discussion -- posted at: 11:35am MDT





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