Thu, 12 July 2018
Innocence. Tuvok may be known for his Vulcan stoicism, but his Vulcan parenting skills are second to none. When Tuvok's shuttle crashes on one of the moons of Drayan Two, he's forced to care for three children who, unbeknownst to him, are actually elderly Drayans aging in reverse. In this episode of To The Journey, hosts Suzanne Williamson and Zachary Fruhling discuss the second-season Voyager episode "Innocence," in which we see a kinder, gentler Tuvok keeping the monsters away and singing the children to sleep with a Vulcan lullaby. Suzanne and Zachary also discuss reverse-aging as a metaphor for senility in old age and the fear of death, along with Chakotay's diplomacy learning curve. Chapters Hosts Production |