184: Janeway Sideboob

"Resolutions" Commentary.

Sometimes when things in life get tough, you've got to indulge in a little bit of comfort. For Char and Tristan, that comfort is a heaping serving of Janeway and Chakotay goodness. In this episode of To The Journey, Char and Tristan indulge in "Resolutions," the episode that drove the J/C shippers wild 20 years ago...and still does. It's got the implausible romance setup of a man and a woman alone together on a planet, a bathtub, headboards, ancient legends, and of course, a primate. All the makings of a perfect love story for two people coming from vastly different backgrounds, but slowly coming together...until Tuvok and the Voyager crew come racing back to New Earth and rip them away from all that could have been. Le sigh.

Tristan Riddell and Charlynn Schmiedt

Tristan Riddell

Charlynn Schmiedt

Executive Producers
Charlynn Schmiedt, Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, and C. Bryan Jones

Associate Producers
Kenneth Trip, Jamie Duce, Bruce Lish, Dante Hopkins, Brian Beliso, Kay Janeway, and Joo Kim

Production Manager
Richard Marquez

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Direct download: ttj-184.mp3
Category:Commentaries -- posted at: 3:30am MDT

183: It's a G Thing

Create a New Character.

With all the untapped potential Voyager had, it's not much of a surprise that "what if" speculations are a regular component of To The Journey. And guess what — this week is yet another scenario where Char and Tristan let their imaginations do the talking. This week, they add a member to the crew, describe his or her role on the ship, and explain how this character integrates with the other regulars. And before you ask, no, this isn't a "replace Seven of Nine with another character" discussion; in fact, that was already done on TTJ 135! This character is someone new who isn't replacing anybody.

But wait — aren't there plenty of people already in this large ensemble cast? Yes. Is there really a void another character could fill? Absolutely, yes. Listen and find out how Char and Tristan made their scenarios work.

Tristan Riddell and Charlynn Schmiedt

Tristan Riddell

Charlynn Schmiedt

Executive Producers
Charlynn Schmiedt, Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, and C. Bryan Jones

Associate Producers
Kenneth Trip, Jamie Duce, Bruce Lish, Dante Hopkins, Brian Beliso, and Kay Janeway

Production Manager
Richard Marquez

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Direct download: ttj-183.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm MDT

182: No Money. No Problems

Career Paths in the Future.

You're 18 years old and a fresh graduate of Zefram Cochrane High School. The whole galaxy is your oyster. What do you do with your life?

In this episode of To The Journey, Char and Tristan talk about the sort of life they would lead if money wasn't a factor in the workforce. While it's unfortunate that most of us don't have such a luxury in the 21st century, people in the 24th century do; in fact, one of Star Trek's biggest messages of hope is that some of our greatest problems (often connected to money) will be gone in the future. With basic life needs met and a social mentality of bettering humanity, what sort of things do Char and Tristan think they would do if they lived in the 24th century? Would factors such as education affect their attainment goals? Would their callings be the same? Listen on, find out, and ponder your own ideal self in the future.

Tristan Riddell and Charlynn Schmiedt

Tristan Riddell

Charlynn Schmiedt

Executive Producers
Charlynn Schmiedt, Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, and C. Bryan Jones

Associate Producers
Kenneth Trip, Jamie Duce, Bruce Lish, Dante Hopkins, Brian Beliso, and Kay Janeway

Production Manager
Richard Marquez

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Direct download: ttj-182.mp3
Category:General Discussion -- posted at: 1:00pm MDT

181: USS Germophobe

Rewrite of "The Disease."

Love hurts, and no one on Voyager knows that better than Harry Kim. He left behind his fiancee back on Earth and he's been down on his luck since, having unsuccessfully fallen for a hologram, an ex-Borg, and the wrong Delaney sister. When he falls madly in love Derran Tal in "The Disease," it's really not a surprise that something went wrong. Not only must Harry answer to an angry Mama Bear Janeway when she finds out Harry didn't file his "I wanna make love with an alien" paperwork, but he also gets a raging case of space herpes. Poor Harry doesn't ever catch a break.

In this episode of To The Journey, Char and Tristan take the elements of "The Disease" they did like and transform the rest into their own episode rewrites. Does Harry still glow when they're finished with him? Listen and find out.

Tristan Riddell and Charlynn Schmiedt

Tristan Riddell

Charlynn Schmiedt

Executive Producers
Charlynn Schmiedt, Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, and C. Bryan Jones

Associate Producers
Kenneth Trip, Jamie Duce, Bruce Lish, Dante Hopkins, Brian Beliso, and Kay Janeway

Production Manager
Richard Marquez

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Direct download: ttj-181.mp3
Category:Rewrites -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT






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